Online Employment Application
Any information, or documents sent to us by this form are encrypted by our webserver for your protection. You may verify this by clicking on the padlock located in the address bar of your browser. We use 256 bit SSL encryption on all of the forms found on this website.
Please carefully read and answer all questions. You will not be considered for employment if you fail to complete the application. You may attach a résumé or other helpful information, but all questions must be answered if applicable. * means required answer.
McCraw Trucking, Inc. is a small, family-owned, and operated business. We are in Southwest Virginia at the base of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. In addition to our Cana, Virginia home office, we operate a satellite location near Eden, North Carolina. We also hold a DBE certification in both Virginia and North Carolina.
We invite qualified applicants to submit an employment application. Our company offers a dedicated dispatch and GPS enabled fleet, a competitive compensation package, and a great working environment.
You may also download this form in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format to complete offline. The form may then be returned to us by mail or you may drop it off at our business office during regular business hours.
Download in Microsoft Word format
Download in Adobe PDF format
Please note the following: It is our policy to comply with all applicable state and federal laws prohibiting discrimination in employment based on race, age, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, or other protected classifications. McCraw Trucking, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
We understand that your privacy is very important to you. We use the latest technology to insure any personal information you send through this website is private. We encrypt all personal information sent to us from you before it is transmitted through the Internet using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. For details on how we may use your information please see our Privacy Policy.